Before this whole settlement thing, most (read: good) real estate agents would happily show you houses without making you sign any contracts. It was a way for you to get a feel for the market plus see if you clicked with the agent

But now, with what is being called "unbundling their services", something as simple as doing a few showings involves legalese laden paperwork.
Buyer / Seller agency or just agency in general is an abstract concept to begin with. Adding the mini Ted-Talk to simply explaining the home buying process is delicate, especially to someone who has never bought a home before, ESPECIALLY since we are looked upon as "sales people". (That is why my moto is "I don't sell you anything, I help you find what you're looking for")
Imagine you're just starting your house hunt, dipping your toes in the market. You're not ready to commit to one agent, but you also don't want to miss out on seeing a few potential homes. Now you have to sign legalese paperwork before you even step foot inside. It's like being asked to go steady on the first date – like dude we just met!
This whole situation may well discourage casual browsers and those who are just starting their search when our job should be empowering buyers.

Roman Elizen Just an agent try'in to make it.