In search of affordable homes in Milwaukee?
The first step in getting that answer is determining home much home you can afford. Your lender ( a bank, credit union, mortgage company ) is the best place to start. But for a general idea of what your payments would be, this is a great tool.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Best way to determine your price range is to speak with a lender.
That can be a banker, CU or a mortgage company
This is pretty straight forward.
The shorter the term, the larger your payments BUT also you will pay MUCH less interest over the life of the loan.
This is the interest rate the date you are looking at this website, between starting showing, writing an offer, and closing the rate WILL change but usally not drastically. Talk to your lender for more questions.
Your down payment is the amount you can afford to put down towards the purchase price. The more you put down, the lower your monthly payments. Below 5% and you will need to get an FHA loan. (Typically)
So your zip code give the lender a chance to see how many borrows are current on payments in the area. Not exactly fair since people in the same zipcode are diffrent but it is a huristic they use,